Last year after I went back to Mauritius to see my uncle. On my way back to Hong Kong, I stopped over in Dubai to see my Indian friend Lavesh. We used to work in the same office but in different divisions. Since Lavesh moved to Dubai, over 2 decades ago, we haven’t seen each other. I didn’t realize that he is also a Psoriasis fighter. I’m not sure if his Psoriasis was already developed when we worked in the same office, or after he moved to Dubai. Anyhow he showed me his results after using Indian Ayurvedic remedies, which was very dramatic.
Right before I caught my flight back to Hong Kong, we went to an Indian Ayurveda shop to see a “doctor”, and I bought 2 months supplies of remedies. As you can see from the picture, that is A LOT!!!! There are potions to put on the affected areas. There are pills, potions & paste to take orally. Some I take before breakfast and dinner. Some I take after dinner. Some I mix them up and take 3 times a day. Most important is the vegetarian diet you follow whilst taking them. Oh my gosh! Very complicated!
I’m not a good patient. I did not follow what I was told to do. I took the pills first, as that was the easiest part. I also took some potions at the same time. The paste was just too bitter and lingered in my mouth the entire day. I’m not sure if I will finish the paste at all.
The potion that is used topically is made with coconut oil. It solidified during winter time. I wasn’t able to use it until recently. Lavesh had said that one was very good for him. He has finished his “2 months supplies” a long time ago. He hasn’t been taking anything orally since then. But occasionally he needs to use these potions for his elbow.
If you ask me how I find these Indian Ayurvedic remedies in comparison with Dr. Chen’s, I still prefer Dr. Chen’s. Because his are easier to use. But judging from Lavesh’s results, I hope I can find the courage to finish all these remedies. Continue reading “Indian Ayurvedic remedies”